
VRChat Timer Shader [SDK2][SDK3]

Timer prefab and shader for VRChat SDK2 and SDK3(Udon) Created by CyanLaser#4695 Given a value in seconds, display the time with the format hhh:mm:ss.MMM where h represents hours, m represents minutes, s represents seconds, and M represents milliseconds. This prefab was used in The Devouring to display the player's total time in the world Note, this timer is unsynced! Options The timer shader provides a texture atlas for all the numbers, but you can create your own following the same format. The format uses a 4 by 4 grid with each cell representing what is displayed for each digit or symbol. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : .

Timer prefab and shader for VRChat SDK2 and SDK3(Udon) Created by CyanLaser#4695 Given a value in seconds, display the time with the format hhh:mm:ss.MMM where h represents hours, m represents minutes, s represents seconds, and M represents milliseconds. This prefab was used in The Devouring to display the player's total time in the world Note, this timer is unsynced! Options The timer shader provides a texture atlas for all the numbers, but you can create your own following the same format. The format uses a 4 by 4 grid with each cell representing what is displayed for each digit or symbol. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : .